July 2, 1996

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As each day passes I am more and more convinced that God has called me to the exciting and important ministry of "Fun in the Son". Recently I found myself overwhelmed with the literally thousands of details necessary to fulfill a ministry of this importance and magnitude. As I found myself in awe of it all, I realized I will never make it on my own. I need prayer support and lots of it! I fell God has led me to start a "Fun in the Son" Ministries prayer support team. We need hundreds of people praying for this important ministry.

I am looking for people who would be willing to pray 15 seconds four times a day for "Fun in the Son" Ministries. I will update the prayer team members periodically with current prayer requests and needs. If you are willing to be a part of "Fun in the Son" Ministries prayer support team, please fill out a pledge and mail it back to me. If you would like to start a prayer support team in your local church that would be awesome! I know that we will never succeed in this ministry without the prayers of many, many people of God.

Current needs and requests. Please pray for .....

              ... God's anointing on this ministry.
              ... enthusiastic acceptance of this ministry by Pastors, District
                  Superintendaents, Youth Pastors, District NYI Presidents.
              ... special Training Seminar Directors.
              ... a dynamic revival and motivational speaker.
              ... a contemporary Christian band.
              ... teenagers and adult leaders to show interest and attend the
                  camp in 1997.
              ... resort owners, marina owners, park owners.
              ... finances - $20,000.00 still needs to be raised.
              ... Rick, Ronda, Mandy, and Danielle as we move to Indianapolis
                  on July 20th.
              ... that God will richly bless those who have faithfully supported
                  this ministry as well as other important ministries.

Thanks for your faithful support!

In Christ,

Rick Pearson

June 7, 1996

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Greetings to you in Jesus's name! I hope that this brief report about "Fun in the Son" Ministries finds you well and encouraged in Christ. I am so excited to report to you that day-by-day doors continue to open for the ministry of "Fun in the Son." I recently spent two days down at Table Rock Lake Missouri. I met with five resort owners, two marina owners, a grocery store/cafe owner, the managers of the Federal Park and the owner of a sport and ski shop. I was overwhelmed with their response and willingness to help in any way. I officially have reservations for June9-15, 1997, for all of their units which will enable us to accomodate up to 350 people. They are willing to wait until January 1st of 1997 for their deposit money, after that they will start to take reservations for other customers for the week of "Fun in the Son" camp. Please pray that God will provide the finances for these deposits. The marina owners are really great guys and are willing to make us a good deal on the boat rentals. The sport and ski shop owner is willing to donate all profit from "Fun in the Son" participants back to "Fun in the Son" Ministries in order to help us out! Isn't that fantastic!

I know that God is definitely working, I've never seen Him open so many doors! I am so excited! To date we have received $26,000.00 in pledges and $2,610.00 in actual donations. Please ask God to open hearts of the right people so we can raise the full $46,000.00 needed. If we can reach our goal, we should no longer have to solicit to raise funds, the ministry should support itself. I want to thank you for your faithfullness to the kingdom through your support of this ministry!

Pleas pray for Ronda, Mandy, Danielle and I as we will be relocating to Indianapolis First Church on July 22nd. The church in Indianapolis is very excited about helping with "Fun in the Son." I'm so glad! Please continue to pray daily for this great ministry. I appreciate your faithful support! May God bless you richly!

In Christ,

Rick Pearson

May 4, 1996

Dear Partners in Ministry:

Hi! My name is Rick Pearson, founder of "Fun in the Son" Ministries. It is my sincere desire for God ro use this exciting ministry to efectively train students and adults for dynamic ministry. I have spent the last fifteen years of my life in youth ministry as a pastor in the Church of the Nazarene and feel very strongly that this ministry is vitally important for the future of our youth and the future of the church; not just Nazarene but all evangelical churches. I am searching for some of God's great people to come together in prayer and financial support of this important ministry. If you would like to be a part of this ministry please feel free to call, write or send in the pledge card, I would love to hear form you.

In Christ!

Rick Pearson

April 2, 1996

Dear Partner in Ministry:

Greetings to you in Jesus name! I just wanted to drop you a note and inform you of the current status of "Fun in the Son" Ministries. I am very encouraged at the response of virtually all to whom I have presented the vision of "Fun in the Son" Ministries. I am very confident that God has called me to this ministry. It appears at this time I will not pursue it as a "full-time" position, but will definitely start with a one week camp during the week of June 9-15 of 1997.

At this time I have received about $24,000.00 in verbal commitments towards the support of "Fun in the Son", but only $40.00 in actual cash. This is an item of great concern that I hope you will pray about. I feel it is important at this time to start securing vital elements for our first camp in June of 1997 such as; resorts, tents, boats, speakers, music band, pro-athelete, and equipment. All of these things require a security deposit and that takes money. I have made tentative reservations for five resorts and three large tents at this time, but will need to secure these items and others with a deposit as soon as possible.

Please help me pray that God would provide for these needs. I feel that the future of our church is at stake. Not that "Fun in the Son" Ministries will insure our future, but it most certainly will make a difference.

I praise God for you, your friendship and faithfulness! Let's bond together to make a difference in the lives of our young people through reviving them and training them to reach the youth culture of today for Jesus Christ!

May God bless you richly!

In Christ!

Rick Pearson